Modern web development for the wide range of devices people use to connect to the Internet is complex. Elements that weren’t as necessary even a decade ago, such as fitting a variety of device screen sizes and adapting code to various web browsers, are essential now. As a result, the universe...
Software Projects Anyone who built software for a while knows that estimating how long something is going to take is hard. It's hard to come up with an unbiased estimate of how long something will take, when fundamentally the work in itself is about solving something. One pet theory I've had for...
Font This article discusses performance best practices for fonts. There are a variety of ways in which web fonts impact performance: Delayed text rendering: If a web font has not loaded, browsers typically delay text rendering. In many situations, this delays First Contentful Paint (FCP). In some situations, this delays Largest Contentful Paint...
Movie API I have gotten numerous emails with this question. I have decided to build a small app, that is based on the external API, and try to desribe about movie api. Why do you need to get data from external API ? If you are asking this question, maybe...
Introducing Windows 11 Windows 11: At a time when the PC is playing a more central role in our lives, Windows 11 is designed to bring you closer to what you love. has always existed to be a stage for the world’s innovation. It’s been the backbone of global businesses and...
Elite Notification Elite Notification: If you want to instantly boost and grow your business’s credibility and immediately interaction with your client to your site with huge conversion rate, then ELITE NOTIFICATION is the solution. More than 80% of visitors to your website do not purchase the product due to a...
Kotlin Among the new “it” programming languages, there are few names getting as much press and chatter as Kotlin. Originally released by the Czech development company JetBrains in 2011, Kotlin has seen its usage supercharged by becoming the Google-approved development language for Android applications. Companies like Netflix, Lyft, Pinterest, and other tech heavyweights have rapidly pivoted to...
Top Quality API Top Quality Api, It's easy to think about creating beautiful UIs for presenting data when you don't consider the effort that goes into gathering and serving the data itself. Here's the thing -- thanks to apilayer, you can focus on your UIs and not the pain of...
Android Security Our phones know a lot about us, so it’s important we can trust them. After discovering and then publishing our findings on SourMint — the malicious iOS ad SDK — the Snyk Security Team decided to dig deeper in the Android ecosystem. To do so, we leveraged Snyk Code to analyze and...
PHP Security Security is a delicate matter that all PHP developers should be aware. However, not all PHP developer know the basic security measures that should be taken to avoid the most common security flaws. Read this article to learn about 6 common PHP security issues and what you can...